Episode 47: What The Actual?

Episode 47: What The Actual?

Anna and Dan talk about some of the more...let's say "out there" news items in EMS, and how culture and social media can hurt us as professionals.

This is a controversial topic, and yes, we hope that we get some discussion on it. But the bottom line:

If you're not doing the right thing for your patient; you're wrong.

Article on starting IV on 13 year old:


Firefighters bringing dead patients to station for practice in endotracheal intubation:


Check out suppurative thrombophlebitis:


IV access and pain:


Dr John Hinds was a master clinician, and we miss him every day. Please watch this and see if you don't learn anything.


Check out the MD1 program at:


Epsode 48: Why Your ConEd S***ks

Epsode 48: Why Your ConEd S***ks

Episode 46: CROSSOVER with Pin The Q Podcast!

Episode 46: CROSSOVER with Pin The Q Podcast!