Episode 59: Protest and Empathy

Episode 59: Protest and Empathy

We got a chance to speak with Taylor and Anthony, you may have seen them on social media as the crew who joined a Black Lives Matter protest in New York City a little more than a week ago.

This spontaneous moment was captured on the Internet, and became one of the iconic moments of the protest movement.

We wanted to take the opportunity to speak to them about being a person of color in EMS, listen to their story, and hopefully learn something in the process.

Our world needs to change; people like Taylor and Anthony are leading the way. We are proud to have them on the show, and hope that their story has meaning for all of you.

The EMS1 article:


Episode 60: Art, Communication, and Healing

Episode 60: Art, Communication, and Healing

Episode 58: Scot Phelps Interview

Episode 58: Scot Phelps Interview